Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions to help you understand and prepare for your treatment. If you have remaining questions, please feel free to contact us. Many questions will be answered at your free, no obligation, consultation.

How does laser treatment work?

The laser creates a beam of high-intensity light that penetrates deep into skin tissue where it delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat. Candela's patented Dynamic Cooling Device technology protects the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. Together, the long-pulse laser and DCD cooling offer optimal treatment with minimal side effects.

How does the process work?

Treatments will take place in the North Jersey Laser Associates office. You will wear safety eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. Your practitioner will guide the laser to the treatment areas with a small hand held probe. Each laser pulse may be proceeded and followed by a short pulse of cooling spray.

How do I know if your laser is for me?

At your free consultation, it will be determined if you are are a candidate for our laser by completing the Fitzpatrick Skin Typing scale in your laser packet.  There are many lasers on the market. The Candela Gentlease used in our office is most effective and safe on skin types 1-4 on the Fitzpatrick Skin Typing scale.  Our Laser is not suited for skin types 5&6.  If you are a candidate we will then perform a patch test based on the answers reviewed at the consultation. For your safety, we never perform a treatment without a patch test.

Are the treatments painful?

Most clients experience little discomfort at the treatment site because of the dynamic cooling device. The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on their pain threshold. Topical anesthetic creams may be used based on individual preferences or tolerances. Be sure to discuss this with your practitioner in advance of the laser treatment.

How long are treatments?

Treatments may be any where from minutes to an hour depending on the area and condition being treated. Upon consultation your practitioner will give you guidance on how long your appointment sessions will be.

How many treatments do I need?

Your licensed medical technician will discuss your skin type and treatment needs during your free consultation. Most people need typically 6-8 treatments (some areas may necessitate more treatments) for 85% permanent hair reduction. Hair grows in cycles.The number of treatments depends on your skin color, hair color and coarseness of the hair.

What precautions before treatment?

You must avoid the sun 6 weeks before treatment. Sunscreen must be used on the area being treated for the duration of treatments. You must avoid electrolysis, plucking or waxing hair for 4 weeks prior to treatment.

What can I expect after?

The treated area may become pink or red within 30 minutes of treatment; this may last from a few hours to several days and is relieved with the application of ice or cooling gels.  Avoid sun exposure 5 to 7 days post treatment. Use sunscreen at all times throughout the course of treatment.

Are there side effects?

Your risks are minimal. Side effects may include purpura (a laser bruise), redness, blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and swelling in the treated area - these usually do not last more than a few days. Permanent side effects are rare.

What should clients know?

Lasers and light sources work best on light-skinned, dark-haired individuals because the light from these lasers is not significantly absorbed by dark pigments in the surrounding skin. The GentleLase does not work on grey hair, red hair, or blonde hair.

Is this procedure covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. However, consult with your insurance carrier for more information.


North Jersey Laser Associates, LLC
349 Passaic Ave
Nutley, New Jersey 07110
973-667-6552 (NJLA)